- Beidh an scoil ag dúnadh ag 12.00 ar an Aoine 1ú Meitheamh (Cruinniú Foirne) agus beidh an scoil dúnta ar an Luan 4 Meitheamh (Saoire Poiblí)
- Beidh an scoil dúnta ar an LUAN 11ú Meitheamh ar mhaithe le oiliúint foirne i dtaobh Cumhdach Leanaí (féach thíos)
- Beidh an scoil ag dúnadh ag 12.00 ar an AOINE an 29ú Meitheamh do laethanta saoire an tSamhraidh. Beidh an scoil ag athoscailt ar AN DÉARDAOIN 30ú Lúnasa 2018. Iniata, an féilire don bhliain nua.
- The school will be closed at 12pm on Friday 1st June for a staff meeting and for the Public Holiday on Monday 4th June.
- The school will be closed on Monday June 11th for staff traing on the new child safeguarding requirements (see below)
- School closes for Summer Holidays at 12pm on FRIDAY June 29th. The opening day for the new school year will be THURSDAY August 30th 2018 at 8.50 a.m. Please click here for the new school year calendar.
Tá nósanna imeachta nua maidir le Cosaint Leanaí forbartha ag an Roinn Oideachais agus Scileanna do bhunscoileanna agus iarbhunscoileanna. D’fhorbair an Roinn iad seo i gcomhairle leis na comhpháirtithe oideachais chun an Acht um Thús Áite do Leanaí, 2015 agus na treoirlínte athbhreithnithe “Tús Áite do Leanaí: Treoir Náisiúnta maidir le Cosaint agus Leas Leanaí 2017” a thógáil san áireamh. Ag teacht leis na nósanna imeachta nua seo, tugadh comhairle do gach bunscoil sa tír a gcuid scoileanna a dhúnadh ar feadh dhá leath-lá nó lá iomlán ionas go mbeidh an fhoireann ar fad in ann oiliúint a fháil ina gcuid freagrachtaí nua. Cuirfidh an oiliúint seo le tuiscint na foirne ar an méid gur gá dóibh a dhéanamh má fhéachann siad nó má chloisteann siad faoi mhí-úsáid leanaí, i.e. mí-úsáid fhisiceach, mhothúchánach, gnéasach nó faillí. Tá múinteoirí anois ina sainordaitheoirí agus tá dualgas dlíthiúil orthu anois imní a thuairisciú don Duine Idirchaidrimh Ainmnithe (Mícheál). D’iarr an Roinn ar gach scoil a Measúnuithe Priacail a bheith críochnaithe agus a mPolasaí Cosanta Leanaí a bheith i bhfeidhm agus ar thaispeánt faoin 11 Márta 2018. (Féach http://ww2.cnocnare.net/childprot/ maidir le cuid na scoile) Cuireadh an lá oiliúna a bhí beartaithe (2ú Márta) ar ceal toisc drochaimsir agus beidh an oiliúint seo ar siúl anois ar an LUAN 11 Meitheamh; beidh an scoil dúnta ar an lá sin dá bharr.Tá an-tábhacht ag baint le sábháilteacht na bpáistí agus gabhaimid buíochas libh as ucht bhur gcomhoibriú. Tuilleadh eolais: https://www.education.ie/en/Schools-Colleges/Information/Child-Protection/Information.html
The Department of Education and Skills have developed new Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools. These have been developed by the Department in consultation with the partners in education to take account of The Children First Act, 2015 and the revised Children First Guidelines, 2017.
In line with these new procedures all Primary schools in the country have been advised to close their schools for two half days or one full day so that all staff can be trained in their new responsibilities. This training will further the staff’s understanding of what they need to do if they witness or hear of abuse of children, whether that be in the form of physical, emotional, sexual abuse or neglect. Teachers are now mandated reporters and are now legally obliged to report concerns they have to the Designated Liaison Person (Mícheál). The Department required all schools to have their Risk Assessments completed and their Child Safeguarding Policy in place and on display by March 11th 2018 (the school’s policy and risk assessment are available at http://ww2.cnocnare.net/childprot/)
The original training day (March 2nd) was cancelled due to weather closures and will now go ahead on MONDAY JUNE 11th – the school will therefore be closed on that day. The children’s safety is of paramount importance and we thank you for your cooperation in this matter. More information at : https://www.education.ie/en/Schools-Colleges/Information/Child-Protection/Information.html
Guímis gach ráth ar na páistí ó Rang 6 agus múinteoir Samantha atá ag ullmhú go dian don Chóineartú a bheidh ar siúl an Aoine seo, 25ú Bealtaine ag 11:30r.n. san ArdEaglais. Tá fáilte roimh cách chuig an ócáid speisialta seo. Beidh páistí ó R2-R5 sa chór.
We wish every blessing to Rang 6 and múinteoir Samantha who have been busily preparing for Confirmation this Friday, 25th May at 11.30am in the Cathedral. Everyone is welcome to attend this special occasion. The children from R2-R5 will be singing in the choir.
Le Múinteoir Rita ar bhreith Emily ag an deireadh seachtaine!
Congratulations to Múinteoir Rita on the birth of her daughter Emily at the weekend.
Cuir ar ais aon gheansaí, bhríste nó stocaí atá sa bhaile, le do thoil.
Please return any tops, shorts or socks you have at home to the school.
Ar mhaithe le Sláinte agus Sábháilteacht, iarraimid oraibh
(1) nach seasfadh daoine taobh thiar den bhalla ar maidin, ar mhaithe le gluaisteáin ag ciorcalú a sheachaint.
(2) gan cead a thabhairt do bhur bpáistí dul in airde ar an mbanc cloiche (idir charrchlós agus an pháirc peile). Is féidir le páistí óga titim de bharr na clocha scaoilte agus tá timpistí tarlaithe roimhe seo.
In the interests of Health & Safety, we would ask
(1) not to congregate at the wall during the morning drop off, as cars and busses are continually driving through that space, and
(2) that you do not allow your child(ren) to climb the stone bank (between carpark and pitch) The loose stone can cause falls and accidents have occurred previously.
Imeachtaí ag teacht suas/Forthcoming Events for your diary:
Aoine 1ú Meitheamh/Friday 1st June:
- Cruinniú Foirne/Staff Meeting –scoil dúnta 12i.n. School closes at 12PM.
Luan 4ú Meitheamh/Monday 4th June:
- Lá saoire poiblí /Bank Holiday .Scoil dúnta/School Closed
Déardaoin 7ú Meitheamh/Thursday 7th June:
- Cruinniu tuistí (amháin) paistí nua sa scoil M.F 2018 6.30i.n-7.30i.n. Meeting for PARENTS only of new children starting in September; 6.30pm – 7.30pm
- TUISTÍ RANG 5&6 – Seimineár ullmhúcháin don Mheánscoil 7.30 – 8.30 i.n. Talk for parents in R5 & R6 on preparation for Secondary school 7.30-8.30 pm
Aoine 8ú Meitheamh/Friday 8th June:
- RANG 6 – Seimineár ullmhúcháin don Mheánscoil 9.30 Talk on preparation for Secondary school 9.30am (sponsored by Cairde)
- Turas Scoile Rang 1 School tour RANG 1
Luain 11ú Meitheamh/Monday 11th June:
- Inseirbhís foirne –scoil dúnta / School Inservice (Child Safeguarding) – school closed.
Aoine 15ú Meitheamh/Friday 15th June:
- Turas Scoile Rang 3, Rang 4 School tour RANG 3, 4
Máirt 19ú Meitheamh/Tuesday 19th June:
- Páistí Nua sa scoil 9.30r.n – 10.30r.n. Níl gá éadaí scoile nó bia. New children will be coming in to spend an hour together from 9.30-10.30am. No need for uniforms or snack.
Céadaoin 20ú Meitheamh/Wednesday 20th June:
- Lá Spóirt/Sports Day – Weather permitting. Tuilleadh sonraí níos déanaí – More details later.
Déardaoin 21ú Meitheamh/Thursday 21st June:
- Turas Scoile Naíonáin SHÓISIR & SHINSIR. School tour JUNIOR & SENIOR INFANTS
Aoine 22ú Meitheamh/Friday 22nd June:
- Turas Scoile Rang 2 School tour RANG 2
Máirt 26ú Meitheamh/Tuesday 26th June:
- RANG 6 – Cóisir Fágála @ 7.i.n Rang 6 – Graduation Evening, 7pm.
Aoine 29ú Meitheamh/Friday 29th June:
- Scoil ag dhúnadh ag 12.00 –laethanta saoire Samhraidh. School closes for Summer Holidays at 12pm.
CAMPA SAMHRAIDH/Summer Camp 2018:
- Luain 2ú – Céadaoin 4ú Iúil. Monday 2nd to Wednesday 4th July.
LE N-EAGRÚ/ YET TO BE ORGANISED: Turas R5, R6 & Turas Cnoc na Ré Rang 6