Baile Uí Dhúgáin, Sligeach
Fón: (071) 917 4019


Dúnadh Scoile/School Closure:
MEABHRÁN tabhair faoi deara go mbeidh an scoil dúnta Dé Luain seo chugainn, 30 Meán Fómhair, de réir fhéilire na scoile.

REMINDER: please note that the school will be closed next Monday, 30th September, as per the school calendar.

Lá na gCúntóirí Riachtanas Speisialta /SNA Appreciation Day
Tá Rannóg Oideachais Fhórsa ag seoladh an chéad Lá Náisiúnta Ómóis na gCúntóirí Riachtanas Speisialta amárach, Déardaoin, 26 Meán Fómhair 2024. Cuidíonn Cúntóirí Riachtanas Speisialta lenár scoileanna a bheith speisialta! Go raibh maith agaibh speisialta dár bhfoireann Síle, Bríd, Sorcha & Bríana. Míle Buíochas libh!

Fórsa’s Education Division is launching the first ever National Special Needs Assistants Appreciation Day tomorrow, Thursday, September 26th 2024. Special Needs Assistants make our schools special! A special ‘go raibh maith agaibh’ to our team of Síle, Bríd, Sorcha & Bríana. Míle Buíochas libh!

Páistí Nua/New Pupils
Cuirimid fáilte mór le Rían agus Naoise a bheidh ag tosú linn i R2 ar an Aoine seo, iad ag teacht ó Ghaelscoil i gCill Dara. Gach rath orthu agus ar a gclann agus iad ag bogadh go Sligeach.
We welcome our new pupil, Rían and Naoise, who will be starting with us in R2 this Friday, following their move from a Gaelscoil in Kildare. We wish them and their family all the best with their move. Fáilte romhaibh!

Leabhair Scoile/School Books
Tá an t-airgead ar fad do leabhair scoile le bheith íoctha faoin am seo. Íoc in oifig na scoile láithreach le do thoil. Tá an chéad íocaíocht Ranníocaíochta dlite faoi dheireadh mhí Mheán Fómhair. Míle buíochas dóibh siúd a chuidigh cheana féin.

All money for school books is now overdue. Please pay to school office immediately. First payment of the Contribution is due by end Sept., please. Thank you to those who have already contributed.

Tras-Tíre na Scoileanna/Schools’ Cross Country
‘Maith sibh!’ lena páistí ó Rang 3,4,5 & 6 a ghlac páirt i gcomórtas tras-tíre na scoileanna ar an Satharn seo caite. Comhghairdeas le Albert (R6) a cháiligh do chraobh Chonnachta. Buíochas leis na tuismitheoirí a thug páistí ann agus le Múinteoir Sinéad a d’eagraigh iad ar an lá.

Well done to all the runners from Rang 3,4,5 & 6 who took part in the recent schools’ cross-country competition. Congratulations to Albert (R6) who qualified for the Connacht finals in Mohill on October 12th. Thanks to the parents who brought children to the event and to Mtr. Sinéad for organising the children on the day.

Comórtas Lúthchleasaíochta/”Super Valu” Relays
Ádh mór lena páistí ar fad a bheidh ag glacadh páirt ann amárach. Tá cúpla tuismitheoir ag teastáil chun cabhrú ar an lá, más féidir- cuir scéal chuig an oifig má sea, le bhur dtoil.

Good luck to all the children who are taking part tomorrow. If possible, a few parents are needed to help on the day – please let the office know if available.

Peil Ghaelach/Gaelic Football
‘Maith sibh’ le foirne cailíní agus buachaillí a ghlac páirt i gcluichí céad bhabhta peile 7-an-taobh inné – cháiligh Ráth Chormaic ón dá ghrúpa. Comhghairdeas mór le Ciarán (R6) agus Fay (R5) a bhuaigh an comórtas ciceanna saora agus a cháiligh don chéad bhabhta eile.

Well done to the girls and boys teams who took part in the Cumann na mBunscol Mini-7s first round matches yesterday – Rathcormac qualified from both groups. A special well done to Ciarán (R6) and Fay (R5) who won the place-kicking competition and qualified for the next round. Maith sibh!

Is mian leis an mBord Bainistíochta an t-eolas seo a leanas a roinnt ar an dul chun cinn leanúnach i dtreo tógáil ár scoile nua. Rinneadh imscrúduithe suímh mar chuid den obair le seachtainí beaga anuas agus tá an scoil le bualadh leis an bhFoireann Dearaidh sna seachtainí atá romhainn. Thíos tá freagra a thug an tAire Norma Foley ar cheist Pharlaiminte i mí Aibreáin seo caite. Táimid ag Céim 2a de chlár luathaithe agus mar sin is féidir a bheith ag súil le dul ar aghaidh ag luas níos tapúla ná mar a shonraítear thíos.

The Board of Management wish to share the following update on continued progress towards the building of our new school.  Site investigations as part of the work took place in recent weeks and the school is due to meet with the Design Team in the coming weeks. Below is an answer given by Minister Norma Foley to a Parliamentary question last April. We are at Stage 2a of an accelerated programme so can expect it to proceed at a faster pace than indicated below.

“At present, there are 5 stages of architectural planning involved in the delivery of major school projects. The stages reflect the Capital Works Management Framework developed by the Department of Public Expenditure & Reform.

The period of time it takes to progress through each of the stages varies from project to project depending on its size and complexity and can often take longer than that indicated. For example, during the planning application, Requests for Further Information (RFI) from the Local Authority and possible third party appeals to An Bord Pleanála can considerably lengthen the process.

The stages and indicative timelines are as follows:
Stage 1 – Preliminary Design (5 to 6 months). The Preliminary Design stage includes reviewing all information provided as part of the Project Brief and establishing and analysing all site factors and constraints which may impact on the project’s viability. Stage 2 – Design (9 to 12 months at each stage)

Stage 2a (Developed Sketch Scheme) includes development of the design and the preparation of an accurate cost plan of the options agreed with the Client to a stage where the project is fully cost planned and can be prepared to lodge for statutory approvals.

Stage 2b (Detailed Design) includes obtaining all statutory approvals, preparing a set of fully detailed Tender documents, and preparing an accurate pre-tender cost plan.

Stage 3 – Tender Action, Evaluation and Award (9 to 12 months). On the completion of the examination of tenders, written authorisation of the Department must be obtained before issuing Letter of Intent. Once all the contract pre-conditions in the Letter of Intent have been met and the Department has given written authorisation to proceed to Contract, a Letter of Acceptance can be issued which forms the contract.

Stage 4 – Construction (12 to 24 months) All members of the Design Team are collectively responsible for the effective management of the project in order to achieve its completion on time and within budget.

Stage 5 – Handover of Works and Final Account (12 months minimum). The Design Team individually and collectively are required to effectively manage the Project, with the co-operation of the Contractor achieve a satisfactory standard of Construction, and achieve Substantial Completion of all elements of the Projects by the Contract Section/Phase handover dates and overall Contract Completion Date.”