Leanann an chuairt ar Tumu Tumu do ghrúpa Coláiste na Trócaire/Aonad. Féach ar an bhfíseán thíos de bhronnadh na bhfeadóg stáin agus stáiseanóireacht scoile don Phríomhoide agus do na daltaí. Fuarthas an tráchtaireacht seo a leanas freisin/ The visit to Tumu Tumu continues for the Mercy College/Aonad group. See the video below of the presentation of tin whistles and school stationery to the Principal and pupils by gaelscoil past-pupils Ciara & Sadhbh. The following comment was also received:
“What an incredible rollercoaster of emotion the last few days has been. I can’t describe the joy at the Primary School. I don’t have the words to describe our meeting with the abandoned children that the Gaelscoil did the cake sale for. The grandmother put her head in her hands and sobbed and sobbed when she received the donation. She said she has seen the face of God. The social services tried to take the children away to an orphanage and the only reason they didn’t was the deputy principal showed the sponsorship from Gaelscoil. Will have to tell you in person when I can find the words without the tears. Well done to every child and staff member who raised money. The difference it makes is immeasurable. I will take photos of the children on Tuesday with their new shoes and uniforms.”